Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Preface: Why You're Here (And Why You Should Come Back)

You've entered a new dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of society. My name is Big Al, and I've come to notice different aspects about people. How we look, behave, interact and think intrigue me, and so I'm starting this blog as a social commentary of life in general. I hope to be insightful, humorous, and above all, to give people the opportunity to walk away thinking "I'm so glad someone else has noticed that!" Most of what you read is not new. It's just commentated. I look around at today's world, and I see that the value of independent thought is plummeting at a rate second only to the American Dollar, and this bothers me. So, this is my start to fixing this issue. I'm one man, but thought is contagious, and if we can get enough people doing it, we might be able to start something that will shape the lives of people now, and more to come. Remember, this is a light hearted forum discussing issues that are as diverse as the people I hope to read it. Bring your ideas to the table, drop them in my comments. Think. Plan. Do. That's what we do here, in the Blogger Zone.

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