Friday, July 22, 2011

Ten Profoundly Spiritual Lessons Learned From Playing Video Games

This is a glorified facebook post, showing that inspiration can be found in the mundane, the obscure, the juvenile, and even the electronic. Enjoy!

Ten Profoundly Spiritual Lessons Learned From Playing Video Games:
Dedicated to all gamers, especially Gabe Gerrish

10. True love means battling obstacles in the face of all odds. And then winning.

9. As appealing as it seems, button mashing is not a good strategy.

8. No matter how insurmountable the obstacle, there is a way around it. Though in real life its weak spots probably don't light up when you hit them.

7. Action makes things exciting, but details make things breathtaking.

6. Know your checkpoints and reach them like your life depends on it.

5. Extra lives are worked for, not thrown at you.

4. If you can't find you're way out, begin where you started.

3. Trust the game designer.

2. If the bad guys are getting progressively scarier, you're heading the right way.

1. The game is only truly over when you stop playing.

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